Digital – 2 Film – 0


Digital - 2 Film - 0 1

New show. I’m now First Assistant Camera (1AC). Above in the photo is Matt, my second. The first day is done and we have one roll to download, Matt’s first full on downloading experience.

Of course I’ve told him all about my previous experience, and tried to give every pointer to avoid spooling, but I must bring bad spooling karma.

“Joey, I think I might need your help.” I hear the crinkle of a pile of film in the tent. I tried to talk him through it but he couldn’t get the center back in. He wanted me to go in.

So I threw a sound blanket over our hands and made the swap. It was the same exact problem, though maybe slightly better. A pile of film had spooled out the center. I tried to wind it back in the center, but this time I discovered a trick. Slowly, but surely, I was able to wind all the film back in.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, I seem to be getting better at this.


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