Can I Get You Some Coffee, Mr. Gilmore?

Geoffrey Gilmore is actually more of a tea drinker. While his name probably doesn’t sound very familiar (unless you’re thinking of Happy), Mr. Gilmore has had a hand in launching the careers and films of practically every famous independent film and...

The Magic of the Ikea Big Blue Bag

It’s back to producing mode, so here’s one of my favorite and least expensive tools: the Ikea Big Blue Bag. About a year or so ago, Ikea started charging five cents for plastic bags. So I picked up three of these for 59 cents each (and snuck one of the...

It’s Dailies, Not Weeklies

In a perfect film set world (real world), you shoot for the day, send the film to the lab that night to be processed, return the next day, shoot some more, and then during lunch (or beginning/end of the day), you watch what you shot the previous day. These are called...