by Joey Daoud | Jun 12, 2007 | Film School, Tips, Video Apps, Video Production
During my first semester in the Film School we had a Production Management class. In it we were required to create a UPM kit. Shopping for these items brought back grade school memories. Here’s what we had to pickup: One portable file box or satchel – the...
by Joey Daoud | Jun 11, 2007 | Documentary
It’s been about a week since I’ve locked picture with Cubicles. I meant to post this sooner, but producing has kept me pretty occupied. Below are two things I discovered during the editing process that I will definitely keep in mind in the future. Know...
by Joey Daoud | Jun 10, 2007 | Film School, Video Production
Since thesis films have started, there’s been some confusion as to what the difference is between the Unit Production Manager (UPM) and Second Assistant Director (Second AD), both first year jobs. On F3s, there was only a Second AD and everything seemed to work...
by Joey Daoud | Jun 8, 2007 | Editing, Video Production
Just got back from watching the dailies from the first show I worked on. Everyone that works on the show is required to attend, no matter what their position, mainly so we can associate what happened on set and how everything was set up with what the final picture...
by Joey Daoud | Jun 8, 2007 | Film School
One of the main producing responsibilities is casting. The upcoming film I’m Unit Production Manager on (let’s call it Bush Zombie) has an epic battle scene where we need as many zombies as possible. Getting extras to show up can sometimes be a challenge....