by Joey Daoud | May 20, 2007 | Coffee & Celluloid
Gathering props for the first day of filmming. # Fiished New Deal. Setting up for first shot. # Setting up 12 by. Sun is starting to come out. # Going for picture – first shot of day. Roll camera… # Acting as extra. # Break for lunch – One Fresh stir...
by Joey Daoud | May 20, 2007 | Documentary, Movies
As noted before, some classmates aren’t the biggest fans of the documentary aspect of our curriculum. Reasons vary from the lack of full creative control, non-fictional (educational) stories, or just sheer dislike for the documentary genre. I’ll admit that...
by Joey Daoud | May 19, 2007 | Coffee & Celluloid
Tomorrow marks the start of the first thesis film I’ll be working on. A shooting day is split up into two six-hour blocks, with at least a half-hour for lunch and the possibility of overtime (a thirteen-plus hour day is not uncommon). Since the film isn’t...
by Joey Daoud | May 18, 2007 | Film School
Continuing with the Art Directing pre-production for my first thesis film, I went with some of the main crew members the other night to check out a location we were shooting at to see what kind of props we would need to get. Luckily, not that many. The Director wants...
by Joey Daoud | May 17, 2007 | Documentary, Software
I’m finally in the last stretch of transcribing my documentary footage, so I’ll keep this post short. I thought I’d talk about the amazing software that I’ve been using to help me in my task – InqScribe. Basically it’s a video...