On-Set Activity For 2007-05-20

Gathering props for the first day of filmming. # Fiished New Deal. Setting up for first shot. # Setting up 12 by. Sun is starting to come out. # Going for picture – first shot of day. Roll camera… # Acting as extra. # Break for lunch – One Fresh stir...

Off With the Talking Documentary Head

As noted before, some classmates aren’t the biggest fans of the documentary aspect of our curriculum. Reasons vary from the lack of full creative control, non-fictional (educational) stories, or just sheer dislike for the documentary genre. I’ll admit that...

It’s Off to Set I Go

Tomorrow marks the start of the first thesis film I’ll be working on. A shooting day is split up into two six-hour blocks, with at least a half-hour for lunch and the possibility of overtime (a thirteen-plus hour day is not uncommon). Since the film isn’t...

Tech Scout

Continuing with the Art Directing pre-production for my first thesis film, I went with some of the main crew members the other night to check out a location we were shooting at to see what kind of props we would need to get. Luckily, not that many. The Director wants...