by Joey Daoud | May 9, 2007 | Cameras, Video Production
So you wonder why your home movies and YouTube masterpieces don’t quite have the same production value as say, SNL’s Lazy Sunday. Well the people that made that get paid to do it, so I would hope it looks good. But there’s some tricks you can do to...
by Joey Daoud | May 8, 2007 | Coffee & Celluloid
I have a good reason now for not posting. I was in the hospital. But I’m out now. And fine. I think. Some posts to come.
by Joey Daoud | Apr 27, 2007 | Video Production
The F2s are officially done. Basically it was a short exercise to get us used to working with film. The entire crew was from the first year class, so this time we got to do all the fun jobs like directing, cinematographer, production designer, etc. It was a short,...
by Joey Daoud | Apr 3, 2007 | Documentary, Video Production
We left to meet the Phelpses at a turnpike stop in the late morning, after having some delicious homemade Chai Tea from our host’s mother. The Phelpses had told us that they had already scouted the location and were splitting up into two groups, so no matter...
by Joey Daoud | Mar 18, 2007 | Documentary