To continue my tail of un-hiring woes, we must first go back a few months to the first time I drove Geoffrey Gilmore around. As I said in summation, driving Geoffrey around brought me a lot closer to Paul Cohen, an independent distributor ((That means he buys films...
How to Make Professional Looking DVDs
I just finished designing the DVD for Cubicles to give out to the crew and interviewees. A lot of people liked the design and asked what was needed, so here's a guide I wrote up. Maxell DVD-R Printable 50 for $14.99 Get these while they're still on sale. When first...
Cubicles Survival Guide Launches Quietly
It's finally happened. As previously mentioned, the podcast spin-off of Cubicles has finally launched, though very quietly. I'm still trying to work out the bugs. I'll explain my work flow in more detail in another post, but basically I've exported the movie into an...