Forgetting the Audience (and Sarah Marshall)

Forgetting the Audience (and Sarah Marshall) 1

I didn’t think much about wanting to see Forgetting Sarah Marshall, but I keep seeing signs that maybe I should. Such as a 5-star review on the radio when I turn on the car, or Roeper’s undying love for this movie plastered in a full page New York Times ad.

So now I want to see it. Tonight. Here’s the thing, a bunch of people want to see it tomorrow morning, because it’s $8 tonight and $4 tomorrow before noon.

I’m all for matinées. I accumulated my 1300 Regal Crown Club points mostly from matinées, and I’d be fine seeing it tomorrow morning if one thing were different.

If Forgetting Sarah Marshall wasn’t a comedy.

Forgetting the Audience (and Sarah Marshall) 2

I strongly believe watching a comedy with a crowd makes the movie infinitely funnier. Wedding Crashers will never be as funny as the first time I watched it in a packed theater, with the big, loud guy in the front row with a huge five-second delayed laugh after every punch line.

Drama, thriller, action – yeah, that’s fine anytime, with anyone. But comedies need an audience.

Update: Justin agreed with my thoughts, and we went to see it. It was everything I hoped it would be, and more. And my crush on Mila Kunis has grown.

Photos by Thomas Hawk

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