Miami Film Festival


So I’m back from Haiti. Amazing trip, photos will be coming (I snapped over 2400).

Sadly most of the Miami International Film Festival was going on during my adventures, but I managed to get a press pass to catch the last few days.

I just got back from a press/filmmaker meet and greet. Felt a little like Hugh Grant when he worked for Horse and Hound, but I ended up meeting Vero Bollow, director of The Wind and The Water.

It’s the first fictional feature to come from Panama, and though the theater is not near where I’m at and I wasn’t planning on going, Vero was really cool and the film sounds really interesting (she pitched it well), so I’m going to make a mad rush after another film and check it out.

Also, I’m very excited that the very, very last film the festival is screening is Tokyo!

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