Fight Scene in a Barn

Monday was a day off, which was nice. Of course there’s not really such a thing as a day off. Today we were back at the pig farm. I think this is where Deliverance originated. Deep in their property I stumbled on bones (hopefully animal) spread all over the...

In Production: Day 1 – Off to a Good Start

  This will be short. Day 1 went off smoothly. The main issue for the day was to get a police car to film in, and that ended up working out through some word of mouth. It was rediculously cold this morning in the middle of a pig farm. Pigs are also quite funny, as...

Here Piggy, Piggy, Piggy

The days of Farmer Arable and Wilbur are long gone. One of the main locations in Undercover is a pig farm, where a Muslim cop goes undercover to find a missing pig. So, as Producer, I need to find this pig farm. In the process of this hunt I learned about the state of...