WSJ Looks at Indie Film Investing

An article over the weekend from WSJ talks about investing in independent films. Interesting to look at this through the prism of someone with decent wealth who is looking for some high risk investments to diversify their portfolio. Here’s how they paint the...

Putting Lipstick on a Pig (Color Timing)

Remember UnderCover, that pig movie I was producing? The one where I said I would give you a play-by-play into the process of making but kind of slacked off a bit. Yeah, that one. Well, it’s officially done. And it’s really funny. This post is a little...

Show No Mercy (in the Edit Room)

I realize the moviccino adventures in the production of UnderCover has sort of died down. I have a few cool videos that I still need to post, but it’s mainly been an extremely sloooow editing process that’s been requiring a huge build up to a more exciting...