1-Hour Photo App Brings Analog Patience to iPhone


I’m a big fan of apps that bring back some of the restraints of analog technology that we’ve  completely forgotten with digital. Now I’m not giving up my digital cameras or editing programs any time soon, but the restraints are fun exercises in creativity and patience.

1-Hour Photo is a new app that’s pretty self explanatory from the title. Take a photo, wait 60 minutes, see your photo. Just like the old days, except you don’t have to drive down to the photo lab. Will this be my new go to photo app? No. But when you have to wait an hour to see your photo, you think about that picture a lot more.

Would be interesting to see if they add a 36 exposure cap and a ‘reload’ delay. Good exercise to get some action shots with those constraints.

If you’re into other analog apps, I’ve got a text editor from an old project that mimics a Typewriter (no deleting).

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