Burn Notice – On-Set and Production Assisting

At the beginning of the summer I had mentioned how I stumbled on the set of Confessions of a Shopaholic and through a couple degrees of someone who knows someone, I was put in touch with the Location Manager of the show Burn Notice and invited to come out to the set....


A while back I mentioned how I was sort of fired/not re-hired to run the on-campus TV station. Another person wooed the new president with her ideas of new TV shows and contests yet lacked any knowledge on how to actually do that. Well, I just found out that she was...

20 Amazing Movie Posters

Movie posters are the main visual representation you have to get someone to see your movie. Most are safe. Some, however, push beyond a simple advertisement to a work of art. These are 20 posters that dare to be different, all from films released in the past year or...

Five Sprockets – Film Production Tools Online

Last month at TechCrunch 50 I was introduced to Five Sprockets. Their mission is to bring all the tools you’d need to write and manage a film online and for free. Good idea, yes, but I don’t think the execution is there yet. The main tools of the beta site...