by Joey Daoud | Jul 11, 2007 | Links
Lighting for High Definition (HD) – Lighting for HD definitely makes life easier for experienced professionals, but I wonder if this will hurt those just starting out. Will we soon become dependent on what the monitor tells us and forget (or never learn) how to...
by Joey Daoud | Jul 10, 2007 | Documentary, Exhibition
I had my meeting with the Dean. I don’t think it could have gone better. “I’d like to take the footage that didn’t make it into the documentary and turn it into podcasts.” “You know, I’m feeling in a real experimental mood....
by Joey Daoud | Jul 10, 2007 | Documentary, Exhibition
I’ve got a meeting with the Dean of the Film School today. It’s nothing bad, I scheduled this meeting. When I went to Steelcase for my documentary, I got a two hour tour that covered a lot of interesting office design topics. About a minute ended up in the...
by Joey Daoud | Jul 9, 2007 | Tips, Video Production
This was a trick that was used during one of the shows I was on last weekend. It was a funeral scene inside a church, so the pews had to be full of mourners. The only problem was we had about ten extras, half of which were crew. Fortunately, the camera can be fooled....
by Joey Daoud | Jul 8, 2007 | Film School, Video Equipment
Each production gets a certain amount of equipment that I suppose someone deemed was enough to make a film. This is a standard package that has the camera, big and little sticks, dolly, dolly track, assortment of lights, sandbags, apple boxes, c-stands, light stands,...