How to be a Best Boy Electric

Show up for check-out, or worse – the truck is transferred over to you from the previous show. Open the door to find everything in disarray. Curse the previous crew under your breath as you shift through all the special equipment that should have been taken off...

Grip and Electric – You Will Get Wet

I’m finally done with my two back-to-back film sets as Key Grip and Best Boy Electric. We wrapped at 12:45 am last night, pushing just about every Film School rule with overtime and wrap times to the limit. I learned a few things during the past two sets. One,...

Mid-Week Coffee Break for the Fourth of July

The 6 Myths Of Creativity [] – This article busts some creativity myths, such as time pressure fuels creativity and competition beats collaboration. In our diary study, people often thought they were most creative when they were working under severe...

New Set, Different Job

Saturday was picture wrap for the show I Key Gripped, but there’s no time to recover as yesterday started a brand new show where I’m Best Boy Electric. Most of the crew that I worked with Thursday-Saturday is also on this show. The sudden shift is slightly...

How to be a Key Grip

Before production, oversee checkout and make sure everything is loaded on the truck properly. You’re responsible for its safekeeping. Pickup truck from the Film School during production. The Key Grip is the driver. Make sure you get to set before call time,...