The Filmmaking Process

I realized that the posts are not exactly organized in the best way for someone who is trying to learn the filmmaking process step-by-step, so to make life a lot easier, I’ve just create The Filmmaking Process page. All past posts are organized into one of the...

19 Hours at the Film School

I left for the Film School Thursday night at 11 and didn’t come home until 6pm this afternoon, thus surviving my first Film School sleep over. It wasn’t that I had procrastinated working on Cubicles, I just got into the editing zone and wanted to get as...

Contacting Google

Yesterday I decided to call Google to try to speak to their Public Relations department to see if they had some images of the Googleplex that I could use in the documentary. Surprisingly I got the typical automated machine runaround, but after punching in a few...

Mid-Week Coffee Break for 5-30-2007

Sonnyboo’s Free Downloads – The only place where I could find the Film Festival Laurel Leaves. Also has FBI warning, color bars, storyboard templates, paper work, and more. Shooting for the Web – Nice list of tips of things you can do during...

“There is No Rough Cut…”

“…always present your best cut.” That was probably one of the more useful pieces of advice I got from Editing Professor Bill after I screened the first cut of Cubicles yesterday to him and Editing Professor Sandro. I felt the screening went pretty...