Mid-Week Coffee Break for 5-30-2007


Mid-Week Coffee Break for 5-30-2007 1Sonnyboo’s Free Downloads – The only place where I could find the Film Festival Laurel Leaves. Also has FBI warning, color bars, storyboard templates, paper work, and more.

Shooting for the Web – Nice list of tips of things you can do during production to help keep your file size low in post.

Connection, Conflict, and Clues – Good post on directing actors.

The High Price of Creating Free Ads – Why having users create your ads isn’t as cheap or effective as it seems. Also check out Filmmaking 101’s thoughts about being a filmmaker in a time when everyone can be one.

Take ZER0 – For those that want some filmmaking videos, check out this new weekly filmmaking videocast.

Good in a Room – This is a coaching service to help people pitch their projects, but they’ll email you the free article “Ten Tips for Being Good in a Room.” Here are some nice pointers:

In more than half of the meetings, it seemed as if the screenwriters didn�t have a clue about the people or the company they were meeting. Before you set foot in your next meeting, use your investigative reporting skills to learn about the people who will be sitting across the desk. Here are some key questions to help you get started:

1. You�ll know the name and job titles of the people whom you are scheduled to meet, but who are the other principals of the company? If the CEO decided to join your meeting at the last minute, wouldn�t it be more impressive to know who he or she was
without having to ask?

2. If you were evaluating your project from the executive�s point of view, how is your project similar and different from the other projects they are currently supervising?

3. What is the most recently released movie in a similar genre/budget/style to your project and how did it do at the box office?

4. What are the company�s past credits and upcoming releases?

5. Put yourself in the executive�s shoes. What are their current major issues? A recent flop or big success? A shift in management? A speculative article in the trades?

The more you know about the company and people you�re meeting, the more effective you can be at presenting your ideas in a way that meets their specific need. If you�re willing to make the effort, whether by online research or asking your representatives and other contacts for insight, you can join the ranks of the well-respected professionals who arrive at meetings knowledgeable and prepared.

Learn Viral Marketing From Warner Bros. – A pretty awesome marketing campaign for The Dark Knight.

The Long Take [FreshDV] – Nice list of the greatest shots that refuse to cut (with video of each shot).

Movie Tattletale Tool [CinemaTech] – I would definitely love to have one of these – a wireless reporting device for sound, picture, and other movie problems is being tested at Regal Cinemas. Now all it needs is a taser.

T Style Living Cover Shoot Video – Cool video documenting the elaborate photo shoot for the NY Times Spring Living Magazine.

What’s Love Got to Do With It? – NY Times article on the documentary Crazy Love, a film I saw at Full Frame. If it’s in your area I definitely recommend watching it – it’s crazy.

Why Hollywood Is Getting Serious About 3-D – More news about 3-D cinema.


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