by Joey Daoud | May 28, 2007 | Documentary
During a futile attempt to contact the publisher of Office Space Planning, it hit me that I have a blog with readers (many thanks to FreshDV), so referring back to the previous post, I’m on a quest for B-roll. I’ve got plenty of pre-cubicle footage, but...
by Joey Daoud | May 27, 2007 | Documentary
This will be a fairly short post because I have a lot of work to do today. Right now I’m on a search for B-roll – any footage that will support or better illustrate the documentary. I mentioned the Prelinger Archives before, but now I’ve finally had...
by Joey Daoud | May 26, 2007 | Documentary, Video Production
Editing is going a lot quicker than I imagined. I just finished a rough cut that I’m pretty happy with yesterday, and I got some great feedback from the editing teacher. I realized I never finished recounting the epic Spring Break Documentary Road Trip or went...
by Joey Daoud | May 25, 2007 | Documentary
Yesterday’s editing went quite well. I’ve got a 6:50 Thought Cut, so at least there’s something to show. But it’s far from over. I’m not too happy with the way that cut went, but going through the footage led me to another core idea that...
by Joey Daoud | May 24, 2007 | Documentary
I left The Film School around 2:30 after some late night editing. I’m extremely happy that I can finally say audios to Avid and work with the far superior Final Cut Pro (FCP). However, I’m still a loyal Adobe Premiere fan, and after some footage capture...