Get Your Office Space in a Documentary


pixar1During a futile attempt to contact the publisher of Office Space Planning, it hit me that I have a blog with readers (many thanks to FreshDV), so referring back to the previous post, I’m on a quest for B-roll. I’ve got plenty of pre-cubicle footage, but now I need some more current office spaces.

So if you work in an office and would like to feature it in Cubicles, get a credit in the film, and a free copy of the movie, then read on.

  • I’m looking for innovative offices (think Google or Pixar) and offices that still have cubicles. It doesn’t just have to be your personal workspace – lounges, cafes, meeting rooms, etc. are all needed. Please no home office photos (unless you have a cubicle in your house).
  • Video (from a camera on a tripod) would be preferable, but hi-res still photos will do fine.
  • You (or your co-workers) can definitely be in the shots, but look like you’re working and not posing for a picture.
  • By submitting footage there’s no guarantee it will make it into the final film. For any video/images that do make the cut, the creator will receive a credit in the film (which will hopefully make it on IMDb) and a copy of the movie on DVD.
  • This doesn’t have to look like professionally shot footage, but images that look good and are well composed have a much higher chance of making the cut.
  • If you’re sending video, please send a low resolution (under 5 MB) file. If I decide to use it we’ll arrange a transfer of the full resolution video.
  • You must be the original creator of the images. Please don’t take something from Steelcase’s site and tell me you work there. If your office looks that good and you think I might be doubtful, throw in a photo with Coffee and Celluloid on the screen. You must also be willing to release the rights to your footage for use in the documentary without monetary payment (payment will be a credit and copy of the film).
  • Send all footage to [email protected].

One more thing – time is of the essence. Wednesday (5/30) is a good target deadline, but if you’re reading this past Friday (6/2) then it’s too late. And of course, the earlier you send your footage the better. Thanks in advance to all who participate.


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