The Picture is Locked…

…and I haven’t nearly posted all I wanted to about F1s. To the invisible reader: force all your emotion into asking questions in comments about what I should explain, Patrick Swayze style. We actually locked last week, I just never got around to posting...

I Guess The Last Post Was Right

Just got back from a 15 hour day as Script Supervisor (I’m beginning to toss the anonymity to the wind). We were shooting in a food store while they were still open for business, so we had to work around the patrons, which wasn’t too bad. However, when one...

That’s Just Crazy Talk

A nice list of idea killers. Probably intended for business folk, but it all applies in the writer’s room. Though I guess laughter would be good if you’re writing a comedy. Berkun blog >> Idea killers: ways to stop ideas