
My Daughter the Terrorist [Documentary]

Perhaps a little heavy for a 10 AM screening, with an occasional missing head and dead body, I still enjoyed My Daughter the Terrorist. It's about the civil war in Sri-Lanka - a war I didn't know was happening. Labeled by the world as terrorists, the film follows two...

Cubicles Survival Guide Launches Quietly

It's finally happened. As previously mentioned, the podcast spin-off of Cubicles has finally launched, though very quietly. I'm still trying to work out the bugs. I'll explain my work flow in more detail in another post, but basically I've exported the movie into an...

I Got the Greenlight

I had my meeting with the Dean. I don't think it could have gone better. "I'd like to take the footage that didn't make it into the documentary and turn it into podcasts." "You know, I'm feeling in a real experimental mood. The school is trying to do all sorts of new...

3 O’Clock Meeting with the Dean

I've got a meeting with the Dean of the Film School today. It's nothing bad, I scheduled this meeting. When I went to Steelcase for my documentary, I got a two hour tour that covered a lot of interesting office design topics. About a minute ended up in the final cut...

Post Editing Thoughts

It's been about a week since I've locked picture with Cubicles. I meant to post this sooner, but producing has kept me pretty occupied. Below are two things I discovered during the editing process that I will definitely keep in mind in the future. Know what your...

Coffee, Time, and Snacks

Cubicles is locked, taken away from me, abandoned - however you want to put it, it's done. During the two week editing process I kept track of how long I spent at The Film School and what kept me awake/full during that time. Here's how that went: 3 Cups of Coffee 2...

I Think I’m Done Editing

Well, I will be by 10 am tomorrow as that's when the teacher comes in to lock picture. But when you have your own schedule, it's hard to finally say, "this is it, the film is done." Each time I watch Cubicles I find something to tweak or adjust. I'll be glad to have...

19 Hours at the Film School

I left for the Film School Thursday night at 11 and didn't come home until 6pm this afternoon, thus surviving my first Film School sleep over. It wasn't that I had procrastinated working on Cubicles, I just got into the editing zone and wanted to get as much done as...

Contacting Google

Yesterday I decided to call Google to try to speak to their Public Relations department to see if they had some images of the Googleplex that I could use in the documentary. Surprisingly I got the typical automated machine runaround, but after punching in a few...