Documenting the Documentary


Determined Bobble-Head With the F3s done, it’s time to take the helm again with two projects: F2s (more on that in a future post) and documentaries. In documentary class we’re supposed to keep a journal of our progress, so might as well keep it here. After a bit of debate on doing my documentary on time travel, I settled on a similar subject: cubicles.

Okay, not so similar but I love science and offices (not working in them full time though, that’s why I’m in film school). I love The Office (UK/USA), Office Space, and all things office culture-y (productivity, GTD, office toys, etc.). Originally I was going to do office culture, but I thought that was too broad (maximum time is 7 minutes) and I think it will be easier to get people to complain about their cubicle than their co-workers.

Right now I’m still in the research stage. I’ve pretty much raided the office design section of the school library and of course Google is Zeus.

Once I get to the filming part, we have groups of three that we were able to pick. As usual, we each work on each other’s films. One directs, one shoots, one does sound, and then it all rotates. I’m really excited to be working with my group, plus they have good topics: celebrity impersonators and the Patriot Guard. Off the top of my head, other topics that people in the class are doing are jousting, voter turnout, rugby, and sea turtles.

I’m now going to look away from my Dwight Schrute Bobble-Head as I browse Designing the Cost-Effective Office.


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