Geoffrey Gilmore and the Creature from the Black Lagoon



So right before I went off on documentary making adventures, Mr. Gilmore and I had a rendezvous back in Tallahassee.

First, to belay any doubts I had when I ended my last recount of our adventures, he did remember me. Joining him was Julie Le Brocquy who produced Osama, an amazing film I saw back in High School.

The Film School was hosting its annual Gala and graduate program graduation, where they screen the 4 graduate thesis films, so Geoffrey was one of the distinguished guests. We also screened Ballast, which is a story worth a separate post.

There was a lot of driving around, some cool (free) lunches and Julie was super cool and super European, which makes her even super cooler.

The highlights? They actually had nothing to do with films or screenings. Frank, the Dean, wanted Geoffrey to have a little relaxation, so we all went to Wakulla Springs – one of the largest freshwater springs in the world and the shooting location for cinema gems such as Creature from the Black Lagoon and Tarzan.


I had never been there before but it was absolutely beautiful. It was also a spoiling first time venture since we chartered a tour boat with only 8 passengers, so I was free to roam to any side to snap some cool pics.

The other highlight? Taking Geoffrey and Julie to the mall. With monopoly money being worth more than the Dollar, to Julie and her Euro, everything in America is practically half off, so she wanted to buy some gifts for her son, whom I became a size model for.

Nothing eventful happened, I just like the image that I’m walking around a clothes store at the Tallahassee Mall with the Director of the Sundance Film Festival.

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