Photos, Photos, Photos


Hey You

I never thought I’d see the day, but I’ve finally gotten a pretty good hold of Photoshop, dare I say an expert intermediate user. But that hasn’t come without pain, mainly in my shoulder from hours of sitting, coming up with a “look” for the Haiti photos. I blame it all on the Aeron chair, or lack there of.

I had an Aeron chair for about a year. Sort of complicated story, but I had borrowed it from a professor for a prop in my film, but then he went off to direct a movie so I held onto it, and then he came back and I had to give it up. So now I’m back in my old, crappy chair that I haven’t used in, well, a year and now my shoulder hurts.

But I guess no pain, no gain. Yeah right, I’m getting a new chair.

So here are some photos that I’ve put up from the first batch. They’re from when we first landed and went straight to Cite Soleil. It was probably one of the most surreal experiences. It literally is like the edge of the world. Amazingly the kids were really playful and smiling. I guess they got a kick out of a few white guys walking through their camp. They would keep yelling, “Hey You!,” probably the only English they know.

They really got a kick of having their picture taken and then looking at it. Digital cameras – breaking cultural barriers.

Here are a few more photos (all the photos are on my Flickr page):

Guitar Hero


Key on Necklace

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