Check Yourself Before You Wreck Your Week

When you major in film, you sort of become the official video guy for the family, like editing stills and video your grandfather shot in Israel. The good thing about an A/V clueless family is the most minor tasks, like making a cut, amazes them, so they’re...

Double Barrel Interview Rig

A MacGyver 3-D rig? No. I adapted this hack from a post on the NY Times Lens blog from photographer Doug Mills. It lets me get a wide and close-up shot simultaneously while doing one man band interviews. I simply mount my GH2/GH3 directly on top of my Sony EX1. I keep...

The DIY Dolly Club

Filming a documentary in a robot workshop has its advantages, like a wide assortment of available tools and constant motivation to build something of your own. So I decided to take on the DIY dolly – the one with skateboard wheels on PVC pipe track – and...

Seven Photos that Changed Fashion Recreated

Famous fashion photos recreated | Here’s a complete special that aired on the BBC. Seven Photographs that Changed Fashion follows photographer Rankin as he tries to recreate 7 iconic images. The series is chopped up into 8 parts, roughly one...

Crew Call – The Cast Behind the Camera

One big problem Undercover has presented that I haven’t had to deal with before is finding a crew. Normally set is considered a class, so having people to show up and work isn’t a concern. However, since this is an extra film not part of the curriculum,...