Show No Mercy (in the Edit Room)

I realize the moviccino adventures in the production of UnderCover has sort of died down. I have a few cool videos that I still need to post, but it’s mainly been an extremely sloooow editing process that’s been requiring a huge build up to a more exciting...

Screenwriting – Biblio Film School

I’ve had some requests to recommend some good film books, so I’m starting a series that’ll cover what I think are the best books for each area of filmmaking. And what better place to start than at the beginning with screenwriting. (I put together an...

The Complete Ira Glass on Creative Work

I’ve been seeing these different segments of Ira Glass (host of the amazing This American Life) pop up on different blogs, talking about creative work. So I did some snooping and gathered the entire collection. A few points are pretty common (keep working at...

Slumdog Millionaire Disney Style

Finally saw Slumdog. Loved it, probably my favorite movie for 2008, even though I saw it this year. And I’m of course kicking myself for not seeing this in Toronto. Paul saw it and said I looked like Jamal, the lead in the hot seat. My first reaction was,...