That’s a Double Wrap


So UnderCover has wrapped and I graduated from Film School. Don’t worry, I’ll still be at school editing UnderCover and You 2.0.

In between wrapping the film and graduating, I had so much stuff to catch up on I ended up sleeping at the film school one last night. Then the family arrived for graduation and the screening of our thesis films (Jenny Hicks Must Go Down). The ceremony is great – it’s just for our graduating class, 25 of us, so it’s small, personal, and most importantly, short.

BFA Class of 08 and 09

The screening was a ton of fun. There were a handful of films I wasn’t involved in and knew nothing about, so it was great to see something new and be entertained.

Following the screening and reception was an after-party. It still hasn’t sunk in that this was the last time I would see a lot of these people for a while, and definitely the last time we would all be together in the same place. It was a long goodbye – I ended up leaving at 7:30 AM, early enough to see the sunrise.

While I loved graduation, it didn’t feel like a closing since technically I haven’t graduated just yet and will still be living in the film school, in my cold, dark editing room.

I will try to write again, but Wednesday I’m heading to Israel for 10 days. So if there’s a hiatus of posts, you know why.

And to my classmates (alumni-mates?) who are heading off to LA and NY, I know you’ll rock it and I love you all!

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