Mid-Week Coffee Break for the Eleventh of July



Lighting for High Definition (HD) – Lighting for HD definitely makes life easier for experienced professionals, but I wonder if this will hurt those just starting out. Will we soon become dependent on what the monitor tells us and forget (or never learn) how to take light readings or determine contrast ratios?

How to Be Creative – What if it’s the opposite?

RED and Final Cut Studio 2 [Coudal] – More RED goodness. This time you can actually see the camera, not some renderings. It’s bigger than I thought.

Advertainment: The Wind – Awesome commercial. Another well told story in under two minutes.

Film Noir Images [Coudal] – Great source if you need some lighting inspiration (no HD monitor required).

il Patio, Almaty, Kazakhstan – Apparently there isn’t a Best Prostitute award in Kazakhstan. David’s description of the country makes me want to take my next holiday there. Yek-sh’mesh.


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