A Figment of My Reality


This past week I’ve been in New York, catching up with a bunch of long, lost Film School peeps and making the rounds to the museums, hitting up the Model as Muse exhibit at the Met, Richard Avedon’s Fashion Photography at ICP, and the Frank Lloyd Wright exhibition for the 50th Anniversary at the Guggenheim (they’re all great).

And while I’ve been having tons of fun, the reason that prompted this trip is I have some photos from Haiti displayed at Figment, an art festival. It’s a free festival on Governor’s Island (that takes a free ferry to get to). It runs this weekend, so if you’re in New York and want something to do, you should check it out. There’s a bunch of other cool, interactive art projects including a mini golf course (and the free ferry gives you a great view of downtown Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty).

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