Ads, Moby, Editing, and RED – Coffee Break


Ads, Moby, Editing, and RED - Coffee Break 1

Moby Film Music [FreshDV]- This is super cool. Moby has a website that lets you download his music and use it for free in independent and non-profit films. If you’re making a commercial film, you can easily apply for a website. It’d be great to see more composers do this (hint hint Philip Glass).

The 12 Kinds of Ads [Tropist] – Great presentation of the twelve categorizations of ads, with examples for each.

Editing with Michael Bay

Rubell says his biggest inspiration for editing Transformers is…Citizen Kane. “The point is, good editing is good editing regardless of genre”, says Rubell. “Is the rhythm organic? Do the characters live? Are the story points being made? Is there subtext, and if not, can we create it? There’s no such thing as a best take. There’s a best speech, or a best line, or a best word, or syllable, or look, or turn. It would be nice if actor performance could always be the sole criterion. What’s the other actor doing? What’s the camera doing? What’s the focus-puller doing? What’s the weather doing?” Scantlebury says, “I select the edit based on best performances always…if it’s in focus and you can cram a robot in there somewhere”.

PJ and the Mysterium Chip Affair [FreshDV] – OnFilm article about the shooting of Peter Jackson’s Crossing the Line with the RED ONE camera. [pdf]


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