by Joey Daoud | May 16, 2007 | Film School
The Director’s Prep was a lot shorter and painless than people had made it out to be (maybe because this is a fairly simple film). On the administrative side, the Head of Production, Cinematography, Screenwriting, and Editing teachers attended. Crew wise, it was...
by Joey Daoud | May 15, 2007 | Documentary, Exhibition, Film Business, Film Festival
Being that our second semester was mainly dominated by documentaries, The Film School supports us in going to the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival, which ran from April 12-15 in Durham, NC. I know this post is slightly overdue, but I was waiting for the Festival...
by Joey Daoud | May 15, 2007 | Coffee & Celluloid
Google Reader Mobile does a pretty good job in serving RSS feeds on my phone, but I find that sometimes they break the articles up a bit too much, requiring a bunch of clicking and scrolling past all the Google links. Now in the Imports section are various links to...
by Joey Daoud | May 15, 2007 | Film School
Just finished preparing for the Production Design aspect of the Thesis film this weekend. I’m a NY Times Sunday subscriber, so basically I’ve been saving all the NY Times Magazines knowing down the line they’ll come in handy for reasons like this. So...
by Joey Daoud | May 14, 2007 | Film School
With Thesis films right around the corner, I’m about to begin my first job in an ATL position – Art Director (a job that I didn’t realize was ATL). Basically I assist the Production Designer with whatever they need. The film I’m working on is...