Keeping the Outline in Scope


Keeping the Outline in Scope 1
Thursday we had to read off outlines based on our pitches. The outlines are a bulleted list of important plot points you need your script to have. Most were within scope, at least time wise. It seems there will be a lot of guns and violence in the screenings next spring. But others still seemed to miss the mark.

One outline had a one page back story describing the world the movie takes place in. A little much for an outline of a seven minute film. Others are just trying to cram too much in a little space, and the film will probably suffer if they go through with their outline. This is why outlining is important, so you can identify problems before you have too much time invested in something that can’t go anywhere. You just have to be able to look at your story objectively and ask the tough questions.
Coming up Tuesday – treatments and character bios due.

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