Sunburned and Going Viral

I’m in Sarasota right now, on what I believe is my first paying video job. It’s operating a HI-POD, basically a 30 foot pole with a camera on top, for filming a soccer tournament. I’ve seen more soccer matches in that past two days than I’ve...

Objectified Q&A [New Podcast Series]

So I’m starting a Coffee and Celluloid Podcast series. Well, hopefully it’ll turn into a series. The catalyst for starting this is I recorded a few of the question and answer sessions from Full Frame, and I figured the best way to share that with you is...

Objectified – Design Pr0n

“Every object tells a story if you know how to read it” -Henry Ford Everything is designed. Some one, some where put some sort of thought into the design of whatever object you’re using. Yes, some put more thought into it than others, but no object...

Adventures in Haiti

Tomorrow morning I’m going to Haiti. Word got out on the street that I do documentaries, so I’m going with someone to get a doc setup for the summer. However, what I’m most excited about is all the photo opps. I’ll be there for about 5 days. I...