Tools to Edit Faster

This is a repost from an article on Filmmaker Magazine. However at the end I added some updated thoughts on PROCUTX. Anyone who’s joined the FCPX bandwagon will tell you one of the main draws is speed (or at least I will). FCPX let’s you do things quicker. But how we...

Pro Versioner Adds Dropbox Backup to FCPX

While there is a lot I love about Final Cut Pro X, there’s a few changes that I’ve had to find workarounds for. One is backing up project files. I’ve posted before about my FCP 7 workflow with project files. I’d keep all my project files in a...

Final Cut Pro X – The Past and The Future

Here’s a recap of the 3 posts that highlight what I love and why I’m sticking with FCPX. Basically it boils down to metadata, magnetic timeline, and filmstrip view. I Had it All Wrong. Metadata is the light. It’s Like Illustrator for Editing...