500 Days of Summer

This past weekend Geoffrey Gilmore was back with a new film straight from Sundance – 500 Days of Summer, starring Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt and directed by Marc Webb. I loved it. I thought it was the best love story I’ve seen since Eternal...

Objectified – Design Pr0n

“Every object tells a story if you know how to read it” -Henry Ford Everything is designed. Some one, some where put some sort of thought into the design of whatever object you’re using. Yes, some put more thought into it than others, but no object...

The Magic of the Ikea Big Blue Bag

It’s back to producing mode, so here’s one of my favorite and least expensive tools: the Ikea Big Blue Bag. About a year or so ago, Ikea started charging five cents for plastic bags. So I picked up three of these for 59 cents each (and snuck one of the...