Crew Call – The Cast Behind the Camera

One big problem Undercover has presented that I haven’t had to deal with before is finding a crew. Normally set is considered a class, so having people to show up and work isn’t a concern. However, since this is an extra film not part of the curriculum,...

Location, Location, Location

It’s funny how much I take film slang for granted. So to start from the beginning, there are six stages in making and releasing a movie: Development, Pre-Production, Production, Post-Production, Distribution, Exhibition. Usually Development can take the longest...

Filming in the Trenches (And Live Video!)

This is the craziest film set I’ve seen on the soundstage. After emerging from a dark editing room around midnight, I was told to check out the trench. I had heard someone was making a WWI trench movie. I didn’t know it was a trench epic. I can’t...