We Did This Every Week


If you’re at this site (which you’re probably not), you’ve probably heard of Spielberg and Mark Burnett’s new reality show On The Lot.

Over the season, the 16 filmmakers will produce short films in every genre every week and the viewers will vote on who gets eliminated. The winning filmmaker will take home a $1 Million development deal!

I particularly the ‘development deal’ prize. There’s no guarantee the winner will actually be making a film, unlike much improved Project Greenlight.
If it follows the format of most other Burnett reality shows (mainly The Apprentice since that’s the only one I watch), it’ll probably go something like:

  • Two teams of eight are formed, either by their own choosing, at random, or some other trait (thinking back to Book Smarts vs. Street Smarts Apprentice). The first task will be to come up with some team name, like the A-Team or Viper.
  • Then, each week, each team will pick someone to direct (project leader). This will be their film. They’ll probably get a theme or specific assignment, maybe even a script, and then they’re off, with a week to write (maybe), shoot, and edit a film.

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