Being Hollywood and Fake Interviews

First off, Oscars. Slumdog – woo! Though no surprise there. It is sad, though, that for a film that swept the Oscars it hasn’t even broken the $100 million mark, which means most people haven’t seen it. I thought the actual Oscars program was well...

Fight Scene in a Barn

Monday was a day off, which was nice. Of course there’s not really such a thing as a day off. Today we were back at the pig farm. I think this is where Deliverance originated. Deep in their property I stumbled on bones (hopefully animal) spread all over the...

Crew Call – The Cast Behind the Camera

One big problem Undercover has presented that I haven’t had to deal with before is finding a crew. Normally set is considered a class, so having people to show up and work isn’t a concern. However, since this is an extra film not part of the curriculum,...

Location, Location, Location

It’s funny how much I take film slang for granted. So to start from the beginning, there are six stages in making and releasing a movie: Development, Pre-Production, Production, Post-Production, Distribution, Exhibition. Usually Development can take the longest...